Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Light isnt always what is going to make a picture better if you use low contrasts the picture might be better

Use your own concepts make the hair a make up something extraordinary

show different angles and poses to send a deeper message

Show confidence in your photos

Experiment with shadows and light

Select your location carefully so the product stands out

Style the model so whatever that they are wearing stands out and compliments the entire photo. 

Use props: it will make your picture more fun and beautiful

Creating Harmony: making sure that the background, the photo and the subject all compliment each other. 

 photography should reflect the beauty of the product

Monday, April 22, 2013

fashion photography. 4/22/13

Georges Antoni's work is tastefully erotic, often black and white

Arnaud Pyvka's work has grace, whimsicality, and softness

Victor Demarchelier His work uses simple concepts to make big statements

Friday, April 19, 2013


His work shows what is really going on in the world, shows people that not everything is as great as it seems and things can be worse then you think. yeah he should help what he can but if he can photograph it for other people to see the tragic things going on in this world then thats good as well. People should be aware of the bad things in this world so they stand up and help. 

Boston Bomber

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013


What are your top three favorite sports?  Soccer, Hockey, and Softball

What special techniques does a photographer use to capture action, motion and movement? (This can just be your opinion you do not need to research this answer just give me your thoughts) I think you need to be steady with the camera, have it on the action setting and really know what youre looking for to capture a good shot, and be ready at all times. 
Look at the prezi examples from students last year (the links are attached to this powerpoint).  After looking through all of the presentations let me know who did the best presentation?  Write five sentences about your favorite presentation. My favorite presentation was Allie Vallen's,  it was simple but different in a way from the others. she talked about a lot of different sports and had pictures set up. Allie's had just enough information but not too much. it was neatly done.